Hartig/Burmeister Family Yearbook

This birthday and wedding anniversary calendar lists Hartig/Burmeister Family events arranged by date. I.e., all events that occurred on the same month and day are collected together.

You may click on any day in the index (below) to see the events that occurred on that day or click on the month name to see all the events for that entire month.

When the requested events are displayed, you may then click on any person listed to access that person's page.

(There is also a Chronological Event Calendar available that lists events arranged by which year they occurred.)

1234567 1 2345671 234 5671 234567
89 10111213148 910 1112 131489101112 1314891011 12 1314
15 16 171819202115 16 1718192021151617181920 2115161718 1920 21
2223242526272822232425262728 2223 24 2526272822 2324 25262728
29303129293031 29 30
1 2 3 456 71 2345 6 71234567123456 7
8910111213 148 910 1112 13148 91011 12 131489 1011 1213 14
15161718192021151617 1819 20 211516171819 20 211516 17 1819 2021
2223 2425262728222324 252627 28 22 2324 252627 2822 23 24252627 28
293031293029303129 3031
12 345 6 71234567 123 4 567123 4 56 7
891011 12 13148910111213148 9 10 111213 148910 1112 13 14
1516 171819 2021151617 18192021151617 18 19 2021151617 18 192021
22232425 2627 2822 23242526 27 2822 23 24 2526272822 2324 25262728
293029 3031 29 3029 3031